Transform your team's well-being

We're on a mission to fundamentally reimagine how people and companies experience mental health care - providing industry-leading transformational therapy that gets to the root cause of emotional trauma and mental health challenges.

Three employees interacting in an office setting.

Our Employee Health Benefits

FDA Approved Medications

FDA-approved medications administered by licensed medical providers.

Quick access to care

Meeko members get access to care in days, not weeks or months.

Proven effectiveness

89% of patients experience immediate improvement.

Nationwide coverage

Access to hundreds of licensed providers across the United States.

89% of patients experience immediate improvement

with 89% of people experiencing immediate improvement within days or weeks (vs. months or years with traditional therapy), we are breaking boundaries to make mental health what it should be. Simple, proactive, fast, and personalized.

Rapid and sustained benefit

Traditional talk-therapy can be lengthy, needing 15-20 sessions for half of patients to see moderate improvement.

Ketamine Assisted Therapy (KAT) typically involves 6 administration sessions combined with therapy over 2-4 weeks providing quick and lasting improvements.

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A graphic of the united states with location pins scattered across the country.

National network, world-class support

Meeko partners with a select network of premier clinics across the United States to provide exceptional, personalized support. With national reach and top-tier care, Meeko ensures your employees receive the best mental health services wherever they are.

explore the meeko directory

Our Story

For over a decade, the Meeko team of experienced medical professionals has been pioneering breakthroughs in human health.

Our mission is to to use the latest advancements in psychiatry and psychology to identify and treat root cause mental health issues -- helping people and their organizations thrive.

Through advancements in science and medicine, we can now provide access to transformational therapies such as Ketamine Assited Therapy that enable people to explore their emotions, beliefs, and memories with increased clarity and openness - helping the brain create new, healthier patterns.

We're deeply committed to promoting healthier minds, not only for those facing emotional and mental health challenges but also for those seeking to unlock their full potential.
